Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 64: Door installs, electrical wiring and porch framing

Today we installed the 2 remaining sliding glass patio doors. The highlight was the 600 pound 4 panel door in the family room.

Here is a pic of electrical wiring in process on the south wall of the great room.

Here is a pic of the porch framing nearly ready for the tongue and groove redwood flooring Cindy and I were planing and sanding a few weeks ago. We did a bit of cleanup today which is why you can actually see most of the porch.


Anonymous said...

I am imagining sitting out on that porch with you and Cindy, drinking some TJ's wine. :D

Sergey said...

Residential electric radiant heat isn't limited to interior applications. It can be installed in driveways, walkways, roofs and gutters.

خدمات منزلية said...

انشاء مسابح
تسليك مجاري
مكافحة حشرات
عزل اسطح
تنظيف افران
المجموعة المثالية