Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 112 & 113: Exterior plaster

On Friday, Joshua, Trevor, Marty, Raphael and I applied the finish coat of lime plaster to the exterior of the east, west and utility room walls. On Monday the same crew applied the finish coat of plaster to the exterior of the north wall. The plaster has an integrated mineral tint, so painting is not required. I think the color and finish are beautiful. Below is a pic of the west (right) and north (left) walls. Thanks for reading. I enjoy reading your comments.


Anonymous said...

I've been busy for a while and it looks like you guys have been very busy as well. The place looks awesome. Every picture tells a story, don't it? Wow. I am very impressed.

Mike said...

Aw shucks, thanks Paul! Hope the home buy and sell is going well.
