- I planed and sanded more of the reclaimed tongue and groove redwood flooring for use as casing molding. I ripped off about one inch from the tongue side of the boards.
- Justin installed the casings around the exterior of the utility room and entry doors. The groove will hold the plaster in place next to the molding.
- Installed 2X4 boards in the kitchen wall to support cabinets
- Installed extensions on the bottom of the window bucks inside to: 1) control the thickness of plaster on the wall next to the windowsill (plaster screed), 2) support the windowsill and 3) act as a support for the apron under the windowsill
- Started cutting and installing diamond mesh metal lath to the interior wall top plate
She is still growing, and her bark has gotten deeper. I caught her napping this afternoon. Thanks for reading. I appreciate your comments.

1 comment:
I absolutely love this roof design. Thank you so much for posting. My wife and I would like to build a straw bale house with a similar roof design. Could you please give a ball park estimate of the cost for roofing materials? I am especially especially interested in the arched trusses.
Thank you very much.
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