The footing trench for the West wall was completed today. The main sewer line was run from the existing septic tank pipe and capped next to the home for future connection to the drains. Utility room footing trenches were completed. The water supply trench was completed. As the initial grading portion of the project is coming to a close, Steve is smoothing out and redistributing the assortment of dirt piles. The site is really taking shape. It is further along than I expected at this stage of the project. Following is a pic looking West down on the home site from the hill to the East.

Thanks for reading. Post a comment if you like.
Hi Mike,
How deep are the trenches ?
Thanks for writing. The trenches are minimum 15" deeper than subgrade, and minimum 27" below the finish floor. The concrete footings poured into the trenches must be at least 12" tall.
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