Unfortunately, we discovered today that the water supply line for my neighbor's home was run underneath my foundation location. In the picture below, the trench on the left contained my neighbor's water line. The trench on the right is where the water line had to be rerouted to avoid my foundation. The majority of the day was spent solving this problem. Another couple hours were lost while a leaking backhoe hose was replaced.

The geotechnical engineer made a site visit to check out soil quality in the foundation cut. He ordered that the top 3 feet of soil on the West half of the
subgrade be removed and replaced with soil more suitable for compaction. The sandy "topsoil" I mentioned yesterday will be adequate to mix with the removed soil. At least the on-site material is acceptable, just in the wrong place ;-)
On the upside, the
level spreader trench was dug and the crew's porta potty was delivered. I hope tomorrow moves a little bit more in the positive direction. Until then, thanks for reading, and feel free to leave a comment.
Um hay Mike who is the guy leaning on the rake, shovel? LOL Looking good!! Jason
That's Justin the superintendent. The joke is that you have to get a shirt with a pocket turned upside down to hold the shovel, lol.
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