The solar photovoltaic (PV) monitoring service called PV Watch was installed last week. Click the "PV Watch" image below or in the right pane to see performance data for my solar array. Thanks for reading. Your comments are appreciated.
gone but not Blogotten
Testing 123
bug in the air is wondering where
this blog lives if any where there?
this cowboy is in the air!
13 years ago
excellent blog! i am building a similar home out of cempo in sw washington. the walls are poured and I am researching lime plaster techniques. thanks for the info and pics, matt.
Your welcome. One thing I would caution you on regarding the lime plaster is how to pre fill, prior to scratch coating, any slots that have been cut into the form for plumbing, wiring, etc. We used cement based mortar and found that the lime plaster set very quickly over these areas. If I had it to do over again, I would have used NHL 5 lime mortar to pre fill the slots for better compatibility with the lime scratch coat. If you do use cement, consider coating it with some kind of sanded primer to prevent the intense suction and provide some key for the scratch coat. Good luck with your project.
Hello Mike
What was the problem with the lime plaster setting quickly over the cement based fill? cracking or color or something else?
The plaster lost its 24 hour workability characteristic over these areas. Scouring or other working of the material to smooth out defects was quite difficult in those areas. Thanks again for reading.
It is excellent to be able to use the solar energy and use it as much as possible.
There is a lot we can do with solar energy and we must try the same.Nice informative posts here.
Solar energy is a huge resource neglected for years now.If used to the best capacity could save a lot of costs and energy bills.
That is going to be is nice to be able to use the solar energy which is abundant and cuts down the costs of the electricity bill to a great extent.
Thanks for the blog. We build and sell green homes here in Asheville NC and we are always reading up on the latest green home innovations.
I guess there is a lot that is done with the solar power and energy.There are green homes which are using it's energy to use the gadgets which not only make it safer and better but also help reduce electric bills.
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