We were ready for the final wall lift after our preparations last Thursday. Pacific Coast Concrete Pumping and
Las Anamas Concrete showed up mid morning. Joshua, Justin, Marty and Trevor filled, consolidated, managed the hose and cleaned up - repeated for about 100 cores.

Four seats like the one shown below for a pair of curved
glulam beams were positioned and leveled.

Joshua and Justin finished the porch slab.

A pair of porch post brackets like the one shown below were pushed into the slab and leveled.

We cast the year and an oak leaf near one of the porch slab corners.

There was a bit of concrete left over. Joshua made forms with some APEX block cutoffs, and we cast 3 simple
pavers in place on the ground.

Joshua did the finishing work on the porch slab. Here is a pic of the completed slab at the end of day 39.

We had a successful final wall lift with no blowouts. The walls are up, and all the concrete work is complete. The home looks deceivingly more complete than it really is. Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave a comment.
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